Oracle of Consciousness

#165 - In the End,
Love Wins!

Revisiting the power of our heart.

The journey from the head to the heart, to become more loving and caring, to living a heart-centred life, comprises of these six heart virtues:






Valour (Bravery & Courage)

However, it is not enough to know them intellectually and this is the real kicker, we have to embody these values.

We have to truly live them on a day-to-day, minute-by-minute basis and this is a test. Our life presents us with obstacles. Our ego presents us with fears, superiority, separateness, judgment and criticism and thankfuly, these can be transcended and overcome by choosing love.

All those fear-based thoughts and actions that we carry around as the other side of the coin, are there waiting to pounce upon us, especially when we let our guard down!

We transcend these by having loving thoughts and actions directed firstly towards ourself, having compassion for ourself, understanding, forgiveness, and choosing the most applicable and appropriate heart virtues for each given circumstance.

And then we apply them to other people, to our family members, communities and out into the world.

If we can do this, it can be said that we are now living a heart-centred life.

Memes from your heart

Create a new reality, one that brings a richness to your life and a sublime quality.

One that brings abundance to us, because we're now in alignment, in coherence with who we are at the core, this infinite being, labelled Consciousness, this love that we are.

We are now performing acts, thoughts and words that are in direct alignment with the essence of who we really are.

This is the hero's journey from the head to the heart.

It sounds simple in some ways, that these six heart virtues could have such a profound effect on our life, but it's not the words alone, it's the embodiment of them and living them on a day-to-day basis, assimilating them as our own, not as something nice to do, but to be sincerely and genuinely living them out.

We will need to remember to practice them!

Life will present you with challenges and opportunities, there’s a situation in front of you where a person needs compassion.

There's somebody over here that needs to be forgiven.

There’s ourselves, where we need to have more understanding.

We need to be a little bit more appreciative.

Use these tools, transform your life and watch the magic of others around you being transformed by your actions, words and your beingness.

Thank you for being on this journey.

The world is a better place because of you.

"When we work with the six heart virtues, we are drawing the intelligence of love
from the sub-quantum field of the soul, through the portal of the energetic heart and “outward” into our individual energy field in the form of the six virtues."

"Further, we can transmit these
virtues into the fields of those around us and ultimately into the collective energy field of earth."


Big shoutout to James Mahu, the Wingmakers and the Lyricus Teaching Order,
for providing these remarkable and highly workable, heart virtue tools.